fredag 4. mars 2011

Bokanmeldelse: The Thank You Economy

av Gary Vaynerchuk
HarperBusiness,2011, 256s.

Nobelpris vinner og Princeton-professor John Nash, hadde rett: når alle gjør det som er best for seg OG gruppen samtidig, vil alle vinne. Dette enkle, men vanskelgie prinsippet ble elegant illustrert i filmen "A Beautiful Mind" med Russel Crow i hovedrollen - "bar-scenen" hvor en blondine med sine venninner kommer inn i baren. Mens Nashes venner fantasere om blondinen, sier John Nash (Russel Crow)etter en stund: om vi alle går for blondinen blokkerer vi for hverandre. Venninnen vil ikke være "andre valget" og gir oss den kalde skulder. Men om vi alle neglisjerer blondinen og heller går rett på venninene, kan vi alle få en hyggelig aften. "Adam Smith needs revision" avslutter Nash og løper ut av baren.

I den nye boken The Thank You Economy illustrere forfatteren Gary Vaynerchuk det samme prinsippet, men satt i vår nye sosiale media økonomi. Når det er flere som gir enn som tar, vinner alle. Det nedenstående er sakset fra Flipboard.

"The Thank You Economy (a book recommendation)

Sometimes we forget that we really do live in civil society, where people generally get along, and that's to everyone's benefit. In particular, people use the Net and social media for mutual benefit in a big way, something I've observed every day for sixteen years doing customer service online. (Sometimes we need a reminder after dealing with the sensationalism of people who profit by trying to scare us.)

The Thank You Economy is about how the reality of our online lives reflects everyday values, like treating people like you want to be treated. It discusses how this applies to online business, how social media facilitates people geting along, and how that's really good for business. It provides real life success stories where people use social media for business, where the usual result is that everyone wins.

The Thank You Economy shows us the evidence that "business as usual" is changing in lots of ways, like showing that throwing money into advertising isn't as effective as just engaging people genuinely."

Du får den hos Amazon for USD 13.

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